
Per imparare a gestire stress ed emozioni

Il nostro Antistress è un programma completo per aiutare a gestire meglio stress, emozioni, affaticamento, stanchezza cronica e tutti i disagi che questi comportano sul piano fisico, emotivo e mentale.

Gli ingredienti che lo compongono sono sempre personalizzati, unici ed esclusivi. Forse sai già di cosa hai bisogno, o forse no. I nostri esperti ti accompagneranno a definire obiettivi, tempi e modalità.

Può comprendere consulenza naturopatica o nutrizionale, tecniche di rilassamento, aromaterapia o fiori di Bach, pratica di Mindfulness, o Trattamenti dal Mondo adatti per te, e molto altro.


The techniques of meditation and intentional, non judgmental attention, recently known in the international scientific community as Mindfulness practices have been introduced in the west at least one century ago, but only recently the interest for their therapeutic applications has raised in scientific and medical research.

Neurosciences documented, thru neuroimaging, some significant changes in brain functions and hormonal balance in people practicing meditation. This means that practicing Mindulness and meditation promotes a different emotional and psychological balance, able to contrast the anxious and disturbing patterns diffused in our social environment.

It’s also been demonstrated how the meditation techniques can lead to increased endorphins levels circulating in the system. This can be perceived in the physical body as much as in the emotional and psychological levels, and leads to a significant reduction of the perception of pain, discomfort, stress, and to diminished disorders of attention and relationship, and a more satisfactory handling of emotions.




Nota: I campi con l'asterisco sono richiesti