With Dr Fernand Poulin and Dott.ssa Ilaria Di Donato
In English with Italian translation
September 20th to 22nd
Friday 6 - 7.30pm
Saturday 10 - 5.30pm
Sunday 9.30 - 1pm
In Florence, Italy
We journey with guided meditations through our endocrine and nervous systems to reset and embody the essences of our true nature: Love, Peace, Freedom, Joy, Happiness, Beauty.
These quantum beings, embodied in the endocrine glands, communicate to each other, and those messages are relayed hormonally and neurologically to all cells of the body.
This brings about a level of presence that our senses can truly enjoy with conscious awareness.
Mihi quidem Antiochum, quem audis, satis belle videris atWe inquiry to recognize and realize what our life’s experiences are truly pointing to that already exist naturally within the quantum space of Spirit.
We are committed to point to you through inquiry what is yearning to be recognized within you, so you can actualize living a life of fulfillment and joy.tendere. Hanc igitur quoque transfer in animum dirigentes.
Tamen a proposito, inquam, aberramus. Non igitur potestis voluptate omnia dirigentes aut tueri aut retinere virtutem.